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Konsèy Administrasyon

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Evelyn Bautista-Miller
Founder & President

Evelyn Bautista-Miller, LMSW, SDA is a bilingual Certified Licensed Social Worker (LMSW) in education with an impressive career in social work spanning over two decades. From working as a supervisor in a New York City Foster Care Agency to working within the education sector as a pre-school program director for general and special education students to educating the next generation of social workers as an adjunct lecturer at the Columbia University School of Social Work, Mrs. Bautista-Miller’s commitment to serving New York’s most underserved and vulnerable populations is unwavering. A graduate of the State University of New York at Albany the Rockefeller School of Social Welfare, she earned both a Bachelor and Master’s Degree in Social Work. Additionally, she attained her Educational Administration license at the Leadership Academy at (MCLA) Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts and her bilingual certification from Touro College.

In 2014, passionate about using her experience and education to serve her community, Mrs. Bautista-Miller founded Tender Steps of New York, Inc. (TSONY, Inc.). TSONY Inc. is a 501(C) non-profit organization located in Rockland County, New York whose mission is centered on providing direct services to individuals who are struggling with some aspect of their lives including but not limited to eliminating inequities in education, helping families overcome challenges due to language barriers and addressing immigration and citizenship concerns. Whether it’s anger management, conflict resolution, educational advocacy, trauma support, or the many other services TSONY, Inc. provides, Mrs. Bautista-Miller leverages her skills, talents, knowledge, and compassion to provide support to families and youth that help improve their skills, attitude and outcomes for their future.

Her steadfast commitment to helping others, her ability to work effectively with clients from diverse backgrounds, and her professional commitment to enhance human well-being and help meet the basic human needs of all people are what drives much of Mrs. Bautista-Miller’s work. Her work extends far beyond the individual to the macro level allowing her to

influence public policy and legislature such as helping to introduce legislation (bill S.7526-A) that would mandate every school district to provide students with access to a school social worker to assist with the students’ mental health. A true community partner and advocate, part of her volunteer work includes the chartering of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.’s Tau Gamma Zeta Chapter in Rockland County in 2003. In addition, she has served on a Task Force with the District Attorney’s Office with the Clarkstown Police Department and has served two, 3-year terms as a board member for the Martin Luther King Multi-Purpose Center in Spring Valley, New York.

Whether it’s working with families one on one, training up the next generation of social workers, advocating for legislation, or managing the day to day operations of TSONY, Inc., Mrs. Bautista-Miller is a fierce advocate for change to improve social conditions and strengthen the social networks. She is committed to being a part of the solution and uses all the tools in her arsenal to be the change she wants to see in the world. She currently works in Rockland County as a district social worker. 

Degrees and Certifications:

  • Bachelor of Science (BSW) and Master’s degree in Social Work (MSW), S.U.N.Y. at Albany.

  • Educational license as a Certified Bilingual in Spanish Social Worker and School District Administrator (SDA) in both New York and New Jersey Education Department.

  • Certification with the New York State Department of Health for Group Development Intervention & Family/Caregiver.

  • Support Groups for the Early Intervention Program for skill-building, intensive in-home, and respite services.

  • Provisional Certification as a school attendance teacher.

Notable Achievements:

  • 2024 Woman of Distinction Award- Presented by NYS Congressman NY-17 

  • 2023 Latin Award Recipient with Schnepps Media

  • 2020 Woman of Distinction Award- Presented by NYS  97th Assembly District

  • 2019 Person of the Year awarded by the Rockland County Omega Psi Phi Chapter

  • 2019 “Trailblazer Soror” honored by Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Epsilon Nu Chapter for continued service to the community.

  • 2018 Recipient of the “Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.” Award honored by St. Charles AME Zion Church.

  • 2018 “Unsung Hero” and “William Darden Education Award” recipient by the NAACP Spring Valley Chapter.

  • 2018 “Ambassador” at the Dominican Parade and the Festival for the United Latin Festival which was held in Haverstraw, New York- August

  • 2018 Recipient of the “Distinguished Service Award” presented by Toney L. Earl, Chairman of the Rockland Legislative Office.

  • 2017 Recipient of the Outstanding Citizen Award awarded by the Town of Ramapo.

  • 2016 Recipient of Mayor Demeza Delhomme Proclamation proclaiming that April 17, 2016, is the Tender Steps of New York Inc. Day in the Village of Spring Valley.

  • 2015 Women’s History Month Honoree by The County Legislature Office in Rockland County for service within the community (includes the work done with schools and community organizations).

  • 2015 Recipient of the “Rising Star” for 40 Under 40 by the New York State Hispanic Coalition, Inc.  

  • 2014 Honoree at EPIC’s 25th Anniversary of the Rockland County Chapter.

  • 2014 Panelist for the AAUW Association of University Women Diversity Brunch.

  • 2012 “Zeta of the Year” honored by Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Tau Gamma Zeta Chapter.

  • 2012 Recipient of the “40 Under Forty” by REDC- Rockland Economic Development Corporation.

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Sandra Ortiz, MD
Vis Prezidan

Sandra Ortiz , MDFAAP, ap sèvi kominote Bardonia, New York kòm yon pedyat depi jiyè 2006. Anvan sa, li te yon asistan e yon pwofesè klinik asistan nan Children's Hospital nan New York/Columbia University pandan 9 ane kote li te anseye. rezidan pedyatrik yo ak kowòdone plizyè pwogram sansibilizasyon kominotè. Doktè Ortiz te konplete estaj li ak rezidans nan Children's National Medical Center nan Washington, DC Pandan tan li te la, li te sèvi kòm rezidan an chèf. Doktè Ortiz te jwenn diplòm medikal li nan Albert Einstein College of Medicine nan New York. Li te konplete edikasyon bakaloreya li nan Manhattan College ak yon majè nan Biyoloji. Doktè Ortiz, abite nan Konte Rockland ak 2 pitit fi li yo. Doktè Ortiz pasyone pou pwomouvwa rezilta pozitif sante kominotè yo espesyalman pou popilasyon ki pa sèvi yo. Sa ki pi enpòtan, li te yon defansè feròs pou kominote Latino ak sivivan vyolans domestik pandan tout tan li. Li espere pwofite ak bati sou eksperyans sa yo kòm yon manm nan konsèy nou an.


Djenane Griffith se yon pwofesyonèl odit entèn ki responsab kounye a depatman odit entèn (IA) nan TerraForm Power, Inc. Li te kòmanse karyè li nan odit ekstèn nan PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP (ansyen Price Waterhouse, LLP) epi pandan ane yo te genyen eksperyans. nan yon seri divès endistri nan travay nan konpayi tankou J.Crew (9 ane - direktè ansyen), Deloitte & Touche (5 ane - manadjè ansyen), ak Gwoup Konpayi Entèrpublic (manadjè - 2 zan). Karyè li kòm yon oditè entèn pèmèt li kiltive ladrès solid nan domèn tankou jesyon pwojè, lidèchip ekip, kolaborasyon kwa-fonksyonèl, ak kominikasyon. Nan konklizyon chak pwojè IA, mwen gen yon reyinyon fèmen ak yon koup transvèsal nan jesyon epi mwen dwe bay yon rapò ki reyèl, ki dekri nenpòt amelyorasyon operasyonèl nan yon fason ki jis, epi ki gen ladan rekòmandasyon operasyonèl ki kapab aksyon.

Djenane te pase apeprè 7 ane kòm yon manm aktif nan Asosyasyon Lekòl Lakay St. Anthony (HSA); epi byenke pa gen okenn definisyon fòmèl wòl an plas, li te gen plizyè responsablite tankou: devlope ak egzekite ajanda reyinyon an, devlope kalandriye HSA an jeneral, pote nan pwogram mizik ak òdinatè aktivite andeyò kourikoulòm nan lekòl la, dokimante ak distribye reyinyon yo. nòt – ki gen ladan swiv ak swiv atik aksyon annatant, ak òganize ak dirijan evènman pou ranmase lajan. Djenane se yon manm Rockland Orange Chapit Jack and Jill of America depi 2015. Kounye a li nan senkyèm ane li kòm Palmantè Chapter. Li te sèvi tou nan divès komite tankou: Règleman Entèn ak Règleman & Pwosedi, Manm, ak Odit.

Djenane Griffith
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Rachel Schlegel , LMSW, se yon travayè sosyal ki baze nan lekòl nan Stamford Public Schools. Rachel gradye nan pwogram travay sosyal klinik Inivèsite Columbia ak yon konsantrasyon nan sèvis ki baze sou lekòl yo. Rachel te rantre nan konsèy la apre estaj anvan li ak TSONY. Li pasyone pou fonde travay klinik li nan pratik anti-opresif, ankouraje koneksyon ki satisfè, epi rete patisipe nan pwogram sansibilizasyon kominote a.


Rachèl Schlegel
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Socorro Diaz
Konsèy Direktè

Socorro Diaz, te vin Ozetazini a laj de 14 an depi Repiblik Dominikèn. Li te rive isit la ak fanmi li epi li te soufri yon chòk kiltirèl aprann yon nouvo lang epi adapte yo ak yon nouvo fason lavi. Pandan l ap adapte l ak yon nouvo peyi e l ap aprann yon nouvo lang, li te rankontre anpil defi. Kòm yon jèn adilt li te fè anpil travay nan kominote a, kesye nan yon makèt ak gadri; kòm li ap etidye tou nan Lehman College. Apre li te diplome nan Lehman, li te vin yon travayè nan yon pwogram tretman lajounen epi pita te vin yon pwofesè bileng nan District Ten nan Bronx. Li gen de metriz tou de nan edikasyon nan Fordham University ak Mercy College respektivman.

Edikasyon te vin karyè li ak lavi li. Li fèk pran retrèt nan Depatman Edikasyon Vil Nouyòk apre 32 ane sèvis. Madam Diaz te fè anpil djòb nan karyè edikasyon li nan men pwofesè, pwomotè pwofesyonèl, antrenè, kowòdonatè Tit VII, direktè, direktè fondatè Entrada Academy ak Direktè elèv ki ap aprann plizyè lang nan Bronx Borough. Pandan tout karyè li, li te vin yon gwo defansè pou elèv ki aprann angle kòm yon nouvo lang.

Ronda Mercado
Board of Director

Ronda Mercado , gradye nan kolèj vil New York ak yon diplòm bakaloreya nan sikoloji ak yon minè nan syans jwif. Mwen te yon manman rete lakay pou 23 ane leve 3 pitit mwen yo. Mwen posede epi opere 3 biznis ki gen siksè pou 9 ane ki sot pase yo. Mwen se yon lidè troup girl scout e mwen se manm 2 konsèy lekòl. Mwen gen siksè nan ranmase lajan pou konsèy lekòl la kote mwen te ranmase plis pase 60 mil dola nan 3 ane ki sot pase yo.

Ronda Mercado se yon manm konsèy devwe ak akonpli li te ye pou pasyon li, angajman, ak reyalizasyon remakab li. Avèk yon diplòm bakaloreya nan Sikoloji ak yon minè nan Etid Juif nan City College of New York, fondasyon edikasyon Ronda reflete pouswit san konsyans li nan konesans.

Pandan 23 ane, Ronda te pran wòl enpòtan nan yon manman rete lakay, konsakre tèt li nan elve twa pitit li yo. Pandan tan sa a, li te demontre ladrès òganizasyonèl eksepsyonèl ak yon espri ankourajan ki ta pral sèvi kòm baz pou inisyativ pwofesyonèl li yo.

Espri antreprenarya Ronda briye nan moman li kounye a posede ak opere twa biznis ki gen siksè. Kapasite remakab li pou balanse responsablite sa yo montre lidèchip eksepsyonèl li ak kouraj biznis li, ki te non sèlman bay siksè finansye, men tou kontribye anpil nan kominote a.

Nan nèf ane ki sot pase yo, Ronda te jwe yon wòl enpòtan tou nan kominote lokal li kòm lidè twoup Girl Scout ak manm de konsèy lekòl. Devouman li nan edikasyon ak devlopman kominote a evidan nan dosye enpresyonan li nan ranmase lajan. Pandan twazan ki sot pase yo sèlman, li te ranmase plis pase $60,000 pou konsèy lekòl li a, sa ki montre talan eksepsyonèl li pou mobilize resous ak angajman inebranlabl li pou bay opòtinite edikasyonèl amelyore pou elèv lokal yo.

Fondasyon divès aspè Ronda Mercado, soti nan reyalizasyon akademik li rive nan siksè biznis li ak devouman san pran souf li nan patisipasyon nan kominote a, fè li yon atou anpil valè kòm yon manm konsèy. Kapasite li pou konekte ak moun, dirije ak entegrite, ak kondwi chanjman pozitif montre kontribisyon eksepsyonèl li nan òganizasyon ak kominote li sèvi yo.

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John O'Neill
Board of Director

John O'Neill, I am honored and appreciative of this opportunity to continue to serve the community. My career as a public servant includes my role as a Personnel/HR Director for the Department of Education where I had the privilege to process, collaborate, advise, support and learn from incredible educators. The majority of my tenure in this position was in Community School District 6, which at one point served the largest population of bilingual students in the state. I was also able to partner, during my time in district 6, with community organizations such as the Children’s Aid Society. 


It has been inspiring for me to have worked with caregivers of so many different titles and positions who truly are committed to helping others. A significant number of educators I collaborated with and supported have risen to positions that have enabled them to have an important impact on a global scale. These educators have become Community Organization Leaders, School Building Leaders, Deputy Superintendents, Superintendents, the last NYC Chancellor, the current NYC Chancellor, out of state educational leaders, NY State Educational leaders and policy makers. After my retirement from the Department of Education, I completed a 3 year term as a school board member for the Washingtonville Central School District. Personally, I was born and raised in the Inwood section of Manhattan by an immigrant mother from Cuba. My wife and I will be celebrating 20 years of marriage. I have two children and 7 grandchildren. I am truly humbled and blessed to have an opportunity to support an organization that truly seeks to be caregivers to the community.

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Alex Santiago
Konsèy Direktè

Alex Santiago, comes to this board with over 20 years of law enforcement experience and currently holds a master’s degree from John Jay College of Criminal Justice. Alex has held multiple assignments leading up to his investigative career as a Detective. As a father of teens, he is actively aware of the different stages of needs: support, information, answers to concerns, rest and family time. Alex joined Tender Steps of New York so that he can assist with the necessary guidance for the youth and their families. He comes with plenty of wisdom and a love for history. As a pastime, he can be found watching the NY Jets and spending lazy afternoons with his husky, Zoe.


Doktè Ritza Santiago , vini nan Tender Steps nan New York kòm yon pwofesyonèl ak lidè ki gen anpil ane eksperyans nan sektè san bi likratif ki gen ladan Resous Imèn, devlopman travay, jesyon pwogram, konsèy karyè, admisyon nan kolèj ak edikasyon. Doktè Santiago se yon chèchè aktif-anvan, ki konsantre sou elèv premye ane kolèj yo ak desizyon yo pran pou ale nan kolèj ak fason li te afekte pandan pandemi COVID-19 la. Konklizyon yo te rezime ke etidyan kolèj yo te ankouraje ak sipòte pou yo ale nan kolèj depi nan anfans epi pandemi an pa t chanje objektif yo. Li te make tou ke elèv yo manke opsyon lè li rive plan apre lekòl segondè. Doktè Santiago tou chita nan Konsèy la nan Asosyasyon an Gap Year epi li se Prezidan Komite Rechèch la. Doktè Santiago pasyone pou elèv yo planifye pou lavni yo, menm jan ak lekòl presegondè, epi li pouse elèv yo vrèman fè rechèch sou enterè yo epi eksplore posiblite yo apre lekòl segondè. Apati eksperyans li, li te retounen nan premye epòk li t ap travay ak jèn yo ak fanmi Vil Nouyòk, li te jwenn ke desizyon se pa yon sèl moun ki pran, men ansanm ak tout sistèm sipò a. Doktè Santiago vini nan Tender Steps nan New York pou ede kote sa nesesè epi sèvi kominote li a.

Dr Ritza Santiago
Konsèy Direktè


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Evenide FanFan-Vilcean, an educator for 30 years.  She holds an

NJDOE issued certificate in Educational Leadership.  As the holder of this certificate, she works as a

District Supervisor of Instructional Technology & Career-Technical Education. In this challenging role, Evenide is able to create programs that will inspire under-represented subgroups such as girls/women

and other minority groups to pursue careers and technology and engineering.  As a Haitian immigrant

who emigrated from Haiti at the age of 9 years old with her siblings, Evenide has known first hand the

cultural shifts that can occur to immigrant families due to social & economic hardship as well as language

barriers. Working to support families through Tender Steps of New York will afford her opportunities

to serve the surrounding communities of Rockland County.

Evenide FanFan-Vilcean
Not Pictured
Alejandro Miller
Youth Volunteer

Alejandro Miller is a youth volunteer supporting TSONY, Inc. with projects throughout the year within Rockland County and beyond.

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